
A Good Night's Sleep

This lady said she had the best sleep of her life after attending my Shifting Nightmares to Dreams session at the recent Shifting Atmospheres Conference in Canada! Thank you Karine for sharing!

If you suffer from nightmares or poor sleep, why not check out my message Shifting Nightmares to Dreams? God wants you to enjoy your night season!

I love Paris!

It seems trite to say "I love Paris"...but I do. All my senses are stirred being in France. I love the people, and the creativity that pours out from their DNA. Creativity is a gift and a calling on everyone, but I believe it is a distinct calling on this particular nation.

Musee D'Orsay

Think of all the phrases that include the word 'french': french wine, french dressing, french toast, french omelets, french press, french bread. While on a recent visit to France, I was told there are over 500 kinds of cheese on the market. Each year hundreds more are made, yet only a few will be tasty enough for the French palette to be added to the 500. Notice this list just includes food items that reveal the French fingerprint.

The resume of French cultural influence goes on and on with fashion, art, music, literature, philosophy, science, and education. Since creativity affects every area of society, teaching Unlocking Seminars in this nation is an inspiring experience for me! Here are some pictures from the Seminars.

Unlocking seminar

Have you visited Paris? If so, what were some of your favorite things?


Imagine what the world would look like if God-inspired creativity were released through people in every area of society. I think that type of creativity released on such a mass scale would be the catalyst for worldwide revival!


Romans 1:19–20 tells us that creation itself testifies to the existence of God and draws people into a relationship with Him. God-inspired creativity is designed to woo people back to an encounter with their Creator.

Think of all the social issues of our day that are crying out for wisdom, solutions, answers. What issues need answers in your business, your school, and your government? God wants you to co-create with Him as a son or daughter, courageously bringing wisdom to solve economic, cultural, educational, business and governmental problems. God-inspired creations and solutions relieve the pain, suffering, division and despair affecting people trapped by these problems.

We are to be the catalysts of the explosion of inspiration, innovation and creativity, releasing the presence of God. I believe this creative earthquake will open opportunities for evangelism, bringing even more hungry, hurting people back into God's family. In the area of the arts alone, one God-breathed movie or album could introduce millions of orphans to their Dad!

When Jesus died on the cross, He did not simply purchase freedom from sin. Does this sound surprising? Although it is a very important message, there is more. Jesus also died to set us free to live in the fullness of the Divine design. When God made humans, He made men and women in the image and likeness of Himself, the Creator Father. He intended for us to act as stewards of the earth and of the mysteries of creation. It is time to manifest His design and fulfill His plan, that the whole earth would be filled with the knowledge of God.

Inspired by Creativity Sozo - Unlocking Inspiration Imagination Innovation

Good News for Creativity!

Wow, wow, wow! It has been such a joy to read so many positive reviews of Creativity Sozo on Amazon.  Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to drop by and give feedback.

I believe in the years to come we will hear many stories of people who read this book, and went on to create the very things God had put in their heart to do. Have you read Creativity Sozo? If so, I would love to hear about your experience. What did God unlock in you through this book?

One in four people believe they are not functioning in their full creative potential. Let's change this together! If you know someone who needs encouragement that they too are full of creativity, in the image of their creator - share this book with them! It might just be the answer they were looking for.

Comments on Creativity Sozo...

Love it, enjoyed it as Holy Spirit flowed stronger than ever in me. It’s relieving, loving, wonderful, amazing and peaceful. Excellent for those sozoing people. Cool x millions!
— Laura
Loved this- it is built on the Basic Sozo tools with a practical twist that made it very easy to personalize and practice. Worksheets and appendices at the back for those wanting to take it seriously. Great tool.
— Amazon Customer
I liked the information and the easy reading. I could pick it up and read it and put it down and not loose the information or the desire to keep reading.
— Eileen

Peace at Work

Thanks so much for Richard Jenkins for sharing his experience listening to Age to Come volume 1! Peace at work? That is good news!